Publications by authorship

Lead author publications

[1]  Lee J., Nikakhtar, F., Paranjape A., and Sheth, R.K.
Eigen-decomposition of Covariance Matrices: An application to the BAO Linear Point
arXiv: 2407.04692, submitted to Physical Review D

[2]  Lee J., Fiorini, B., Nikakhtar, F., and Sheth, R.K.
The Stability of the BAO Linear Point under Modified Gravity
arXiv: 2406.09379, submitted to Physical Review D

[3]  Lee J., Sako, M., Kessler, R., Malz, A.I., and the LSST DESC Collaboration
Astrometric Redshifts of Supernovae
arXiv: 2405.04522, submitted to The Astrophysical Journal

[4]  Lee J., Bond J.R., Motloch P., van Engelen A. and Stein G. (2024)
Exploring the Non-Gaussianity of the Cosmic Infrared Background and Its Weak Gravitational Lensing
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 529, 2543

[5]  Lee J. and Acevedo M., Sako M., Vincenzi M., Brout D., Sanchez B., et al. (2023)
The Dark Energy Survey Supernova Program: Corrections on photometry due to wavelength- dependent atmospheric effects
The Astronomical Journal, 165, 222

Publications with major contributions

[1] Doux C., Jain B., Zeurcher D., Lee J., Fang, X., Rosenfeld, R., et al. (2022)
Dark energy survey year 3 results: cosmological constraints from the analysis of cosmic shear in harmonic space
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 515, 1942

Publications as part of the DES-SNWG (major contributions)

[1]  Sánchez B.O., Brout D., Vincenzi M., …, Lee J., et al. (2024)
The Dark Energy Survey Supernova Program: Light curves and 5-Year data release arXiv: 2406.05046

[2]  DES Collaboration: Abbott T.M.C., Acevedo, M., …, Lee J., et al. (2024)
The Dark Energy Survey: Cosmology Results With 1500 New High-redshift Type Ia Supernovae Using The Full 5-year Dataset
arXiv: 2401.02929, submitted to The Astrophysical Journal

[3]  Vincenzi M., Brout D.,…, Lee J., et al. (2024)
The Dark Energy Survey Supernova Program: Cosmological Analysis and Systematic Uncertain- ties
arXiv: 2401.02945, submitted to The Astrophysical Journal

Publications as part of the DES-SNWG (minor contributions)

[1]  Toy M., Wiseman P., Sullivan M., …, Lee J., et al. (2024)
Suppression of the type Ia supernova host galaxy step in the outer regions of galaxies
arXiv: 2408.03749, submitted to MNRAS

[2]  Dixon M., Mould J., Lidman C., …, Lee J., et al. (2024)
Calibrating the Absolute Magnitude of Type Ia Supernovae in Nearby Galaxies using [OII] and Implications for H0
arXiv: 2408.01001, submitted to MNRAS

[3]  Chen R., Scolnic D., Vincenzi M., …, Lee J., et al. (2024)
Photometric Redshifts for Type Ia Supernova Cosmology with the Dark Energy Survey Supernova Program
arXiv: 2407.16744, submitted to MNRAS

[4]  Popovic B., Wiseman P., Sullivan M., …, Lee J., et al. (2024)
Modelling the impact of host galaxy dust on type Ia supernova distance measurements
arXiv: 2406.05051, submitted to MNRAS

[5]  White R.M.T., Davis T.M., Lewis G.F., …, Lee J., et al. (2024)
The Dark Energy Survey Supernova Program: Slow supernovae show cosmological time dilation out to z ~ 1
arXiv: 2406.05050, submitted to MNRAS

[6]  Camilleri R., Davis T.M, …, Lee J., et al. (2024)
The Dark Energy Survey Supernova Program: An updated measurement of the Hubble constant using the Inverse Distance Ladder
arXiv: 2406.05049, submitted to MNRAS

[7] Camilleri R., Davis T.M, …, Lee J., et al. (2024)
The Dark Energy Survey Supernova Program: Investigating Beyond-ΛCDM
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 533, 2615

[8] Möller A., Wiseman P., …, Lee J., et al. (2024)
The Dark Energy Survey 5-year photometrically classified type Ia supernovae without host-galaxy redshifts
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 533, 2073

[9] Shah P., Davis T.M., …, Lee J., et al. (2024)
The Dark Energy Survey : Detection of weak lensing magnification of supernovae and constraints on dark matter haloes
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 532, 932

[10] Qu H., Sako M., Vincenzi M., …, Lee J., et al. (2024)
The Dark Energy Survey Supernova Program: Cosmological Biases from Host Galaxy Mismatch of Type Ia Supernovae
The Astrophysical Journal, 964, 134

Lead author publications by topic

SN Ia Cosmology

[1]  Lee J., Sako, M., Kessler, R., Malz, A.I., and the LSST DESC Collaboration
Astrometric Redshifts of Supernovae
arXiv: 2405.04522, submitted to The Astrophysical Journal

[2]  Lee J. and Acevedo M., Sako M., Vincenzi M., Brout D., Sanchez B., et al. (2023)
The Dark Energy Survey Supernova Program: Corrections on photometry due to wavelength- dependent atmospheric effects
The Astronomical Journal, 165, 222

Baryon Acoustic Oscillations

[1]  Lee J., Nikakhtar, F., Paranjape A., and Sheth, R.K.
Eigen-decomposition of Covariance Matrices: An application to the BAO Linear Point
arXiv: 2407.04692, submitted to Physical Review D

[2]  Lee J., Fiorini, B., Nikakhtar, F., and Sheth, R.K.
The Stability of the BAO Linear Point under Modified Gravity
arXiv: 2406.09379, submitted to Physical Review D

Lensing of the Cosmic Infrared Background

[1]  Lee J., Bond J.R., Motloch P., van Engelen A. and Stein G. (2024)
Exploring the Non-Gaussianity of the Cosmic Infrared Background and Its Weak Gravitational Lensing
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 529, 2543